Prayer Mountain - Valencia, Negros Oriental

Prayer Mountain - Sitio Salanticon, Malaunay, Valencia Negros Oriental
Indeed you can absolutely experience to view the breathtaking scenery of nature and wilderness while also having the peace and serenity you deserve. You can definitely feel pure peacefulness of nature all around you as you are situated on top of the peak. The Prayer Mountain in Sitio Salanticon, Malaunay, Valencia, Negros Oriental is not quite famous even to the locals living near the area. It seems that the name "Prayer Mountain" was a nickname given to a peak of a certain mountain which offers a unique wide view of nature. And thus, this "mountain" is said to be a suitable place to pray and meditate.

The adventure or the trip going to this place was at first familiar and easy as well since we have been to this place many times. We have passed by one of the most photographed spots in the area, Sulfur Vents, which are located on the roadside (  As you can see in the pictures, the peak offers a superb spot for you (and/ or models/ subjects) to pose and take pictures. I could not say more of what experience you can have but you'll need to expect a small rough track, a little hike, and ounces of climbing. Well, as a matter of fact, you can possibly reach this spot without having many skills in hiking. You just need to push yourself a little more to reach the top.

How to get there?

Anyway, many of you guys have made contact with our team and asked for some directions. Well, it's easy. It's preferred to use a motorcycle as it would be easier to access the site using this kind of transportation. You can actually go to Sulfur Vents first as you will pass by this area as you proceed to Malaunay. (See our Sulfur Vents Trip here: ) From there you can ask for some help from the locals. You will continue to follow the main road. On your way there, you will pass a lot/area with pipes. Continue to follow the main road until you'll reach the end of the paved road. Besides, there are lots of signage and locals that could guide you into getting this peaceful spot. After you reach the end of the paved roads, that'll be the sign that you are near into reaching the foot of the mountain. You'll need to walk a few meters to reach the foot of the mountain wherein you will start to hike. You have to hike for a few minutes to reach the peak. (CAUTION: Please do not proceed if there's a heavy rain).


Always bring water.

The area is too much slippery when exposed to rain.

Beware of the sides of the cliff.

Again, if there's a heavy rain, do not continue the trip because it's dangerous. We've been there on a rainy day and the way going up was VERY slippery. When we went down after taking pictures, each and one of our team have either slipped or had slightly fallen down.

Always think about the welfare of our nature. It's not yet been visited by many, but if you happen to visit this spot. Always remember to respect nature. Leave nothing but footprints.


We've come back to this amazing destination and we've found out that lots of visitors had already visited this place. This was because of the increasing curiousity the netizens. There were pre-nup photoshoot done at the peak as well. The pathway going to the peak became wider. There were kids, who are probably locals, selling foods on the peak site like boiled eggs and homemade foods.


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